Orthognathic surgery is performed on the jaws to align them in the correct position.
Orthognathic surgery is performed on the jaws to align them in the correct position.
This expands a patient’s ability to chew, speak and breathe, additionally improving facial appearance. Jaw problems that may be corrected by orthognathic surgery include jaws that are too large, too small, too far forward, too far back, or crooked. There may also be a significant gap between the upper and lower front teeth.
When a patient needs orthognathic surgery, it is usually performed in conjunction with orthodontic treatment – helping to correct an occlusion issue commonly called the ‘bite’ (contact of the teeth between the upper and lower jaws during chewing or when jaws are closed).
Dr Poon will assess your individual needs, determining whether orthognathic surgery is required in your presenting situation. If so, you’ll receive a referral to the appropriate oral maxillo-facial surgeon for your needs.